
Artículos y publicaciones científicas

Variabilidad en el tono muscular del recto femoral mediante el tratamiento con Kinesiotaping frante a la aplicación con Richelli's Pain Reliever, en jugadores del Córdoba B.

Biomechanical Properties of the Superficial Fascial System

Short-term Efficacy of Richelli's Painreliever on Upper Trapezius Myofascial Trigger Point in a Patient with Neck pain

Short-term efficacy of Richelli’s painreliever TM on upper trapezius myofascial trigger point in a patient with neck pain

Efectividad de la Terapia Manual Instrumentalizada en pacientes con pie equinovaro aducto del crit de Veracruz en el año 2018-2019 Estudio de Caso.

Efecto Inmediato de Diferentes Técnicas de fisioterapia Sobre un Punto Gatillo Miofascial del Músculo Trapecio en Pacientes con Dolor Inespecífico de Cuello.

A New Skin Tensiometer Device: Computational Analyses To Understand Biodynamic Excisional Skin Tension Lines.

The effects of instrumentassisted soft tissue mobilization on active range of motion, functional fitness, flexibility, and isokinetic strength in high school basketball players. Technol Health Care.

Efficacy of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization in comparison to gastrocnemius-soleus stretching for dorsiflexion range of motion: A randomized controlled trial.

The effects of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization on lower extremity muscle performance: a randomized controlled trial.

Examination of Self-Myofascial Release vs. InstrumentAssisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Techniques on Vertical and Horizontal Power in Recreational Athletes.

A Hand-Held Device to Apply Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization at Targeted Compression Forces and Stroke Frequencies.

The force control and path planning of electromagnetic induction-based massage robot.

Cyriax physiotherapy versus phonophoresis with supervised exercise in subjects with lateral epicondylalgia a randomized clinical trial.

Therapeutic evaluation of lumbar tender point deep massage for chronic non-specific low back pain.(I)

Instrument-assisted cross fiber massage increases tissue perfusion and alters microvascular morphology in the vicinity of healing knee ligaments.

Massage therapy as an effective treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome

Biodynamic Excisional Skin Tension Lines for Excisional Surgery of the Lower Limb and the Technique of Using Parallel Relaxing Incisions to Further Reduce Wound Tension

The surgical plane in the leg

Terapia Manual Instrumentalizada. Revisión Sistémica

Instrument-assisted cross fiber massage increases tissue perfusion and alters microvascular morphology in the vicinity of healing knee ligaments.

Therapeutic effectiveness of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization for soft tissue injury: mechanisms and practical application

Fascia and soft tissues innervation in the human hip and their possible role in post-surgical pain.

Skin Movement Rules Relative to Joint Motions.

The Comparison of Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization and Self-Stretch Measures to Increase Shoulder Range of Motion in Overhead Athletes: A Critically Appraised Topic.

The efficacy of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization: a systematic review.

Directional variation in extensibility of human skin.

Comparison of Compressive Myofascial Release and the Graston Technique for Improving Ankle-Dorsiflexion Range of Motion.

Chiropractic treatment including instrument-assisted manipulation for nonspecific dizziness and neck pain in community-dwelling older people: a feasibility randomised sham-controlled trial.

Self-Mobilization Using a Foam Roller Versus a Roller Massager: Which Is More Effective for Increasing Hamstrings Flexibility?

Development and application of a newly designed massage instrument for deep cross-friction massage in chronic non-specific low back pain.

Therapeutic evaluation of lumbar tender point deep massage for chronic non-specific low back pain (II)

Deep tissue massage and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for low back pain a prospective randomized trial.

Roller massager improves range of motion of plantar flexor muscles without subsequent decreases in force parameters

A pilot study to investigate the shortterm effects of specific soft tissue massage on upper cervical movement impairment in patients with cervicogenic headache

Blood supply to the superficial fascia of the abdomen: An anatomical study

Richelli’s Painreliever

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